Interactive Map
Find Members and Events in Osceola
Interactive Map
The map above is an interactive map of Osceola Missouri! Click on the box to the
left off the Osceola Master Map header to view and select the different
parts of the map. You can check and uncheck different map features such as Chamber
Members and different events happening in Osceola! Parking for each event are
clearly labeled as well as starting and finishing areas where applicable.
Chamber Members
Click on the Osceola Members above and find any of our members on the map. The map pin is highlighted and contact information for each location is available. This map
will allow to find a member and their contact information. Whether its a great local business, a place to eat or parking for an event our interactive map is a great
Rodeo Daze
Click on the Rodeo Daze link above and see a parade map. The parade travels clockwise around the square starting on the 700 block of 2nd Street and ending on
Chestnut street in front of the library. If you are in the parade you can see the lineup areas on the map as well!
Osage Hills Connection Route
The Osage Hills Connection Route is a bike route that connects the Frisco Trail in Bolivar to the Katy Trail in Clinton with riders traveling right through Osceola! Our annual
Osage Hills Connection Ride is held in October, visit our Facebook Events Page for this years date.
Trunk or Treat on the Square
Trunk or Treat on the Square is not a Chamber event but you can see details on the map. Parking and the start and finish areas are labeled for this year's event. Expect
a crowd to this very popular event!
Riverfront Day
Kayak from Roscoe to the Cove in Osceola for a day of fun on the water. We have listened to all the old stories and we have taken note. We are bringing back the old
canoe races but with a new twist! Since there is such a big kayak craze we are going to have a kayak races. Who thinks they can kayak the entire 10.2 mile course? Visit
our event page on Facebook for more details and a link to the online signup!
